Is Your Stress Impacting You?

It seems like we are so busy parenting, working, keeping up with household responsibilities and similar. Most of society today is feeling like they are “maxed out”. It is not uncommon for people to be taking medication, for depression and/ or anxiety.  We all have some level of stress, but coping is the key to preventing the strain on your mental and emotional well-being.

Take the time to listen to your body, your body will tell you if there is a problem. For example, many people struggle with sleeping, having problems with their digestive system or feel tense. I personally feel a tightness in my chest when I am stressed. When your body is stressed, and your thoughts are negative it is not unusual to be acting out with anger or withdrawing to cope. However, these coping mechanisms do not actually diminish stress. It is important that you take control over your life again and change this harmful cycle.

  • Strive to be in good health. When you eat and exercise well, you will feel better and less stressed.
  • Find a place of solitude. This may help you to regain inner peace and give you time to collect your thoughts. A lot of people are now working in public spaces and are surrounded by their families when they are not working. This leaves little time to reflect on their thoughts, gratitude, and feelings.
  • Talk with a therapist and learn new ways to cope with what is occurring. U R Plentiful will lift you up mentally and spiritually. It is helpful to vent in a safe place and reflect with someone objective and supportive.

When you are stressed your thoughts are likely negative, in turn your emotions tend to be those of sadness, pain, anger, irritability, or restlessness.  When you are feeling some of those emotions you may tend to make bad decisions. The cycle reiterates that you are out of control and your mental and emotional well-being suffers.

It may be helpful to find ways to relax, pay more attention to your diet, go for a walk and structure your sleep.

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